Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Journal 20: Product Design

I love this product design! It's a salon hair product, so it's pretty expensive, but I love that it has a very simple design. It's simple in a way that looks sleek, not cheap, so it's obvious that it is a higher end brand that's just not over doing things or trying too hard. The use of a monochromatic color pattern with just the pop of pink adds interest.

Journal 18: Computer Generated

I chose each font to go with the word to describe what I think the word should look like. For energetic I chose a font with tapered edges and a light feel to give it movement. For focused I chose a heavier, more deliberate, font. For creative I chose one that is kind of cliche but I think it fits, the light color says creativity to me. For bored I chose Times New Roman 12pt because I think that's the most boring font. For peaceful I chose a font that seemed calm and light, with a relaxing green color.



Journal 17: Handwriting

The right side of the ad got cut off, but it explains that it is advertising Texas as a vacation spot. I think the handwriting is effective because it fits with the look of the ad and adds to the laid back feeling of the page. It works to create a casual feeling and lends to the idea that Texas would be an excellent place to relax and get away.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Journal 13: Great Inventions

Of course the light bulb is a great invention, and electricity in general actually, 
I can't imagine having to live by candlelight.

The camera. As a photojournalism student and a photography lover
 I am so glad someone thought of this one! 

I don't necessarily mean the iPhone here, just cell phones in general. This is my first nice cellphone and before that I've always had ones that couldn't do anything except text and make phone calls, but I am very attached to my phone and it would be a major adjustment to be without it!

A refrigerator is something I take for granted. I would not want to go to the store everyday which is what  we would be doing without these. 

My automatic dog waterer. This may not be as serious as a refrigerator but it really is a convenient thing to have. My dog goes through a regular dish of water in about an hour so I would not want to fill it up that often.

Of course, the computer. This is one I really don't know what I would do without. I was thinking about everything I do online; from school to work to banking to email and probably a lot of other things too. Not having a computer would be a serious blow to my way of doing just about everything I do.

The handbag is a simple invention but what would we women do with our things if
 we didn't have one of these?

A dishwasher is not a necessary invention that I couldn't live without. I didn't have one until I was a teenager and then since I've been in college I've only had one about half the time. But it really is a nice convenience! 

A hair straightener (could also be a curling iron). As a person with unruly hair, if it weren't for hair styling tools I would look much different!

Last but certainly not least, my car. I have had a car since I was 16, but when I did a study abroad semester in Australia last spring I found out what public transportation was and I don't like it. Cars are expensive and annoying to own but they represent a sort of freedom that I would be very reluctant to give up.

Journal 12: Advertisements and Jefkins

Frank Jefkin's three basic principles for effective advertisement writers are that the ad be of interest and value to the reader, be concise and be precise (getting to the point). This ad is part of an anti smoking campaign. It is of interest and value to the reader because it is about a health concern that is often publicized. It is concise and precise because it contains no words to convolute the message or distract from the attention of the image. The image speaks for itself.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Journal 11: Myth

This ad uses myth to appeal to women who want to lose weight. The connotative value of this ad is that taking Hydroxycut will give you the body you always wanted, you'll be in great shape and feel confidant in a bikini. The denotative value is that Hydroxycut is clinically proven to help people lose more weight than dieting alone. This is very different than the myth that there is a magic fix for weight and self esteem problems. In reality Hydroxycut is meant to be an aid to weight loss and to be used with dieting and exercise. The ad doesn't work for me because I see right through weight loss ads. However it would work for some people because it shows before and after photos, has statistics, and features an in shape model to show women what they could look like. It's trying to sell a weight loss supplement but it's actually trying to sell a body image, saying you will feel great and improve your life if you purchase this.

Journal 10: Advertisements and Color

This advertisement uses the color blue and the contrasting warm golden color of the model's skin and hair. The color blue was chosen because the name of the perfume is "Light Blue". The ad features a model with blue eyes in front a blue water-like background. By using a blue background the color of the model's eyes is accented. Her blond hair and tan skin also serve to highlight her eye color and the blue in the background. It seems fitting that the ad relies so heavily on color to get it's message across since the product is named after the color.